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Television & Motion Picture Licensing

Prestalane Music Publishing represents several fine songwriters. Our goal is to provide original, fully produced music tracks (both instrumental and vocal) to television and motion picture companies. Imagine your song as a backdrop to a nightclub or chase scene on an episode of Magnum P. I. and you get the picture. We're also interested in period pieces. A good example of this would be an original track actually recorded in the 50's, 60's or 70's that well represent in style and sound the music of that particular era. The music can be British Invasion, classic rock, modern pop, country, jazz or new age. Recordings like these often find themselves in a television or movie soundtrack. Our job is to represent your music to the industry.

To inquire, send a letter of introduction and a demo (CD) to Buena Vista Productions, P. O. Box 1284, Payson, AZ 85541.

We WILL get back to you.

Compositions Available For Licensing

Our Songwriter's Agreement

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Floyd Westfall can be contacted on Facebook.

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