photo name photo name

Our Songwriter's Agreement

I, ______________________________________, (songwriter-composer) have read and do hereby agree to the following terms as stated below for the purpose of marketing my original music compositions by Prestalane Music Publishing as listed:

Song titles:

1) _________________________________________
2) _________________________________________
3) _________________________________________
4) _________________________________________
5) _________________________________________
6) _________________________________________

Further, I agree that this document applies ONLY to the marketing of my songs and is NOT exclusive. This document simply grants permission to Prestalane Music Publishing to shop my songs to television and motion picture producers, record labels (other than Presta Records, a subsidiary of Prestalane Music Publishing), record producers and recording artists.

In addition, if Prestalane Music Publishing successfully secures an agreement with any of the songs mentioned above to the benefit of me or my music, it is understood Prestalane Music Publishing will have the first option to publish my music; OR have my permission to enter into a (50% - 50%) co-publishing agreement with Prestalane Music Publishing; OR negotiate with any other publishing company or producer that makes an acceptable offer for the use of my music. NO publishing contract will be signed by me with Prestalane Music Publishing until an agreement with Prestalane Music Publishing or a third party as described above has been negotiated by all concerned. Prestalane Music Publishing will NOT be responsible for audio or video production costs of any kind related to my music (unless negotiated and agreed upon by both parties of this document) and will be held harmless in any legal action whatsoever that results from the signing of this agreement. Simply stated, the sole purpose of this document is to grant permission to Prestalane Music Publishing to shop my songs.

The duration of this agreement will be one (2) years from the date of signing with the option to renew if all parties involved agree to extend the agreement.

By signing this agreement I will also allow my name, song titles and a steaming (only) .mp3 recording of my music to be included on the Prestalane Music Publishing website ( and the ReverbNation Prestalane Music website ( for the purpose of marketing and artist-songwriter exposure. Also, I agree to allow my song(s) to be aired on Looking Back At Arizona's Top 40 radio program on Radio Free and Deep for the purpose of promoting my song(s) at no cost to me. Both stations are non-profit and have a worldwide audience.

Signature (writer-composer)

Name (printed)




For Prestalane Music Publishing


PMP-BVP Form 105-B

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